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Did You Just Do This?

…and you thought I was done blogging.  Not a chance!

Now that the holidays are through, I wanted to explain what my life looks like in the near future.  Some of this may be information you’ve read before, but sometimes it’s good to get a refresher.  In the fall, I was an apprentice in the Center for Global Action (CGA) program. This is run through Adventures in Missions, the organization that also organizes the World Race program.  Within CGA, one must pick a track, sort of like a major, for the semester.  I was in leadership track with 9 other incredible individuals.  In addition, apprentices are placed in the office within a department.  I was placed in the logistics department, under the regional director for North America which gave me the chance to see what a short-term trip set-up entails.  CGA offers both a “class” and “job” element. What that really translates to is a whole lot of learning.  

My experience this past semester was incredible and challenging.  There was a lot of time for self-reflection and certainly an increased level of self-awareness.  It was one of those sweet times in life that there was space to focus a lot of attention on personal growth. That being said, guess what?

I’m not finished yet. 

CGA has helped me truly begin to solidify the lifestyle that I was introduced to on the World Race.  While I may no longer be living out of backpack and now have the conveniences of indoor plumbing, I have been challenged to continue living in a way that expresses a radical pursuit of Jesus.  While we should not depend on programs for our spiritual, emotional, physical or whatever other type of growth comes to mind, they can be excellent tools in establishing long-term habits.  The World Race opened my eyes to what it looks like to live with a minimalist mentality in regards to material items, while also exposing me to a new level of understanding of who I am as a daughter of the one true king.  The book of Acts is not something of the past, nor is Holy Spirit lying dormant. There is an entirely new level of intimacy with our Creator that is available to us if we continue to surrender our lives to Him.  CGA has helped me to figure out what it looks like to carry out these lessons in every day life.  The Lord has begun a work of identity formation and increased level of intimacy with Him in my life that was not completed in three months.  More please! 

That is why I signed up for a second semester of CGA.  I am surrounded by an amazing group of Christ followers who both encourage and push me to be the best version of myself…which really means becoming more like Christ.  

My original plan was to do the storyteller track.  In it, apprentices go through the intensive process of writing a book in three months.  While I do still have a dream to write a book one day, it’s not time yet.  I feel that I want more life experience before I write it.  I want to continue along this line of intimacy with the Lord that was established this past semester.  Which is why…

I am doing worship track!!!

This is a relatively new decision, but I am thrilled to be facing a season of learning the different forms that worship can take, while also learning how to help usher others into a true posture of worship.  It’s going to be totally unexpected and wonderful at the same time!!!

As for my apprenticeship, I am continuing in the logistics department and this coming weekend, my supervisor and I are going to New Orleans for a host development trip.  We will meet some of the hosts that we partner with for short-term trips.  I’m excited.  

So, in answer to the title of this blog, yes, I did just do a semester of CGA.  Fire up for a second one!

This semester, I am turning my focus outward, to a deeper pursuit of my Jesus.  I plan to celebrate often, even the little things, and be around those who make me laugh.  What will YOU do this season?