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God speaks to people in different ways.   This is something that I realized while on the World Race, and it has only gotten clearer as time has gone on.  He can speak to us in words, pictures, encouragement, worship,…

Choosy Choosy Choices

Here’s the deal.  I’ve recently had a revelation…OK, well it seems that I’ve had about 50 a day since being at CGA, most of them pertaining to my identity.  Psych up. I am learning about choices.   You see, I’m…

I Would Rather Be Negative

During one of our classes shortly before Thanksgiving, we discussed the idea of thankfulness (good timing, eh?) and how it changes our disposition.  When challenging things happen, taking the time to be thankful can completely alter our perspective.   I…

From Milk to Solid Food

Every Monday, the apprentices and staff of CGA get the opportunity to listen to a guest speaker.  This week, Bill Swan, who is the Director of the World Race and one of my house mentors (his wife, Katie, is the…

Quit Being a Martha Hater

“You’re such a Martha.”  “You have such a Martha spirit, you just need to learn to rest.”  “Stop keeping yourself as busy as Martha did.”  We’ve all said it, especially us women, that we have the doer-spirit, commonly referred to…