
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

And Then There Was Vivian

First order of business…the first newsletter went out yesterday morning.  YESSSSSSS!!!

snoopy dancing excited woo oh yeah

If you were expecting to receive it in your inbox, but did not, please let me know so that I can be sure you are added to the list!  


I’ve been quite torn with what to write about this week.  While training camp is a great topic, I really feel like I need to tell you the story of Vivian first, and next week, we can talk camp.  That being said, here is a cool testimony of the work of the Holy Spirit.

One of our courses is called Spiritual Formations and is led by Deon, who was one of my coaches during the World Race.  He has incredible knowledge of the Bible and used to be a pastor.  While there have been many topics that he has taught on during the semester, two weeks ago he spoke about activation and listening to the Holy Spirit’s promptings to pray for others.  

Myself, Amy, Bella, and Tim, hoped in a car and had resolved to head for Kroger.  Along the way, I made the comment that I felt like we needed to be on the look-out for stopping at a house and that the individual we would find would be a women, Tim got an address number, Bella saw the colors pink and maroon, and Amy was brave enough to turn the car around to head for the house that seemed to fit.  

We walked up to the porch, knocked, and were greeted by none other than the sweetest, older woman, dressed in pink and maroon, whose name was Vivian.  

Did you catch that???  Every single stirring that we had regarding who we would find, what they would look like, and where we were going was confirmed!

That is absurd and sounds exactly like something Holy Spirit would do.  

In our time with Vivian, we learned that she is a teacher and a fellow believer.  We discovered that the reason Holy Spirit directed us to her was to pray for her upcoming kidney surgery as well as encourage her.  She, herself, confirmed this by telling us that she had been needing encouragement and we were an answer to that prayer. We did, in fact, end up praying for her… and eating chocolate cake per her request.  It should come as no surprise that she had exactly the number of pieces left for the number of us that came to visit.  Seriously?!?  So cool!  

Left to right: Me, Vivian, Amy, Bella, Tim

This may sound simple and a little wild, but it demonstrates how Holy Spirit works.  He gives us opportunities to say yes that may seem incredibly far-reaching, but prove to be so encouraging on both ends.

That said, the next time you get a crazy stirring to pray for someone, SAY YES.  It’s worth it!!!