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Hello readers!  

I have a few things that I wanted to update you about!

The first is that today is the LAST day to order a t-shirt if that is something you are interested in.  You can do so through this link:


The second update is that I will be writing a newsletter!  YES!  This is something I’ve never done before, and I am very excited about it!  An important note to make is that this will be different than my blog.  If you sign-up to receive my newsletter, you will be getting more personal updates and stories about the specific daily happenings of my time in Georgia.  That said, if you are interested in receiving my newsletter, I will need to have your email address to add it to the list.  For some of you, I subscribed your email to my blog to make it easier for you, but I will NOT be doing that this time.  My newsletter is going to be great, but it is also only for those who are truly interested in getting updates.  Additionally, unlike the blogs, I will not be posting the newsletter to any social media.  This sounds really serious, but I wanted to make the distinction clear.  I will still be updating my blog along with writing the newsletter.  Fire up!

If you are interested in getting exciting and witty updates, please email me about that at [email protected].  


As always, thank you so much for your support through reading my blog, donating to my account, and praying for me!